The Steel Bar: Pittsburgh Lawyers and the Making of America

Bankruptcy Panel Reboot Features 'Steel Bar'
December 7, 2018
In a reboot of the Federal Courts Bicentennial presentation "The District's Bankruptcy Courts: Bankruptcy and the Economy of Western Pennsylvania," Ron Schuler joined returning moderator Honorable Jeffery A. Deller, Chief Judge of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District and returning panelists Honorable Carlota M. Bohm, Bankruptcy Judge, and Douglas Campbell of Campbell & Levine, along with George T. Snyder of the Stonecipher Law Firm and the venerable Robert O. Lampl, for a two-hour presentation at the Allegheny County Bar Association's 31st Annual Bankruptcy Symposium. Schuler spoke on the 1907 Westinghouse reorganization, the 1980s era Chapter 11 cases of Wheeling-Pittsburgh Steel, Allegheny International and Sharon Steel (three cases in which he served as a young footsoldier), the Honus Wagner Sporting Goods case, and the attempt of coal heir Harry K. Thaw to use the bankruptcy courts to get free after being held as criminally insane in the murder of famed architect Stanford White.
Schuler Presents at Federal Court Bicentennial
June 1, 2018
Ron Schuler was a panelist on a presentation on "The District's Bankruptcy Courts: Bankruptcy and the Economy of Western Pennsylvania" during the day-long celebration of the bicentennial of the federal courts of the Western District of Pennsylvania, entitled "A Bicentennial Celebration of Liberty and Justice for All," held at the Joseph F. Weis, Jr. U.S. Courthouse in Pittsburgh. The panel, moderated by the Honorable Jeffery A. Deller, Chief Judge of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Western District, included the Honorable Joy Flowers Conti, Chief Judge of the Federal Court for the Western District; retired Bankruptcy Judge Judith K. Fitzgerald; the Honorable Carlota M. Bohm, Bankruptcy Judge; and Douglas Campbell of Campbell & Levine. Schuler spoke from a historical perspective about the evolution of federal bankruptcy practice and on notable cases, as well as about his own experiences on the Wheeling Pittsburgh Steel and Allegheny International Chapter 11 cases.
Schuler Addresses Bankruptcy Inn of Court in Erie
June 8, 2017
Ron Schuler was invited to be the featured speaker at the June 2017 meeting of the Judith K. Fitzgerald Western Pennsylvania Bankruptcy Inn of Court by Judge Thomas Agresti. Schuler gave a presentation on his upcoming book, THE STEEL BAR: PITTSBURGH LAWYERS AND THE MAKING OF MODERN AMERICA. One audience member wrote: "I attended this event and you were fantastic! It was fast moving and very informative. So many cool facts about how Pittsburgh and its attorneys played crucial roles in the development of our country. Thank you ... for a great evening."
Schuler Addresses Federal Judges' Retreat
September 22, 2016
Before the annual retreat of the judges of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, held at the Avalon Inn in Warren, Ohio, Ron Schuler discussed "The Steel Bar" in the context of the "Rule of Law." He told the judges: "Your job is great because you sit at the top of this pyramid that is the heritage of Pittsburgh’s great legal profession -- a profession that illustrates and represents some of the best of those 1,000 things a day that lawyers and judges do to tend to the care and feeding of the Rule of Law. We were the people that did the great civic duty of helping to define the nature of Loyal Dissent in American culture – we played a major role in training the rest of the nation how to have the dialogues that reinforce the Rule of Law. That’s why I think my job is great. It is why I think this book of mine needed to be written, and it is also why you have great, essential jobs."
IP Inns of Court Season Closes with Address on "Steel Bar"
June 20, 2016
Ron Schuler spoke to the annual "last meeting of the year" of the Q. Todd Dickinson Intellectual Property American inn of Court at the headquarters of Reed Smith in Pittsburgh on June 20, 2015. His topic was "Pittsburgh Lawyers and Technology."
'Schuler Gives Insight On Lawyers & Whiskey Rebellion
March 27, 2015
Ron Schuler was featured, along with Wigle Whiskey co-owner Meredith Grelli, discussing the Whiskey Rebellion on WESA-FM's "Inventing Pittsburgh" series. The program can be heard here.